Horizon Educational Welcomes Hebron Academy to the H2GP Program
For those who keep their ears tightly pressed to the ground it may not be news that the H2GP program is expanding to Maine in the United States. However, for those who missed the announcement in May of this year you can keep on reading this article to catch-up on an exciting new H2GP development!¨
Thanks to the dedicated and thoughtful efforts of Joshua Kangas who is a teacher at Hebron Academy, Maine will be the second state to join the H2GP program in the United States! At this point only a handful of teams will exist in Maine, but we are actively working on trying to expand the number of teams.
While we are still working on fine tuning the details and how it will work with teams on opposite sides of the United States, Horizon Educational is still very excited about Joshua’s efforts and we are looking forward to the H2GP program’s continued expansion on the East Coast of the United States.
As always, check back frequently to get the latest Horizon Educational news!